Hair Removal With Electrolysis At Home

Hair Removal With Electrolysis At Home

Home electrolysis hair removal is an excellent opportunity for many people who want the benefits of electrolysis treatments without having to deal with the expense and inconvenience of salon treatments.

There are a variety of affordable and portable options for home electrolysis hair removal. Many different electrolysis equipment manufacturers, including Igia, have brought to market a wide select of home electronics hair removal machines that can be purchased in a number of retail stores and from a wide assortment of online retailers.

Of course, some people will not be comfortable with home electrolysis hair removal, and for them, salon treatments are still an option. However, for people who don’t want to pay the high prices associated with professional electrolysis, home electrolysis hair removal equipment is a blessing.
How Electrolysis Works

During the process of electrolysis, a fine needle or probe is slipped through the skin alongside the hair follicle next to the root. A short current of electricity is delivered through the end of the wire to the root, effectively rendering it incapable of regrowth. The dead hair is then tweezed out.

According to the FDA, risks associated with electrolysis are infection from using unsanitary equipment and scarring due to poor technique. Because electrolysis tackles hair growth one follicle at a time, it can be very time-consuming, even when performed by a professional electrologist. Home electrolysis takes even longer.
What A Home Electrolysis Hair Removal System Can Accomplish

A home electrolysis hair removal system will give you equal results as compared to electrolysis with the same number of treatments. The only difference is the ability to have the procedure when and where you want to. Also, it gives you the power to decide if the area is hair free yet. All of the home electrolysis hair removal systems come with explicit instructions and also pictorials. These are necessary guidelines to help someone get the best possible results from the apparatus.

Once you read all the instructions and follow the techniques you can begin you journey towards permanent hair removal. When using the home electrolysis hair removal system be sure that you don’t have any skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis as this at home procedure will irritate these conditions. Included in the instructions are the skin preparation techniques in order to get your skin ready for the procedure. Along with the needed pictorials for understanding how to properly use the home electrolysis device. Proper usage should not be an issue.
Do’s and Don’ts of Home Electrolysis Hair Removal

    * While conducting this procedure you may use painkillers in order to lessen the pain.
    * The needle and the tweezers have to be cleaned and sterilized again and again by rubbing alcohol throughout the procedure as it helps in preventing infections.
    * Proper insertion of the needle in the hair follicle is essential, if however, it pierces the skin above it, it can cause bumps and swelling in the skin.
    * You may require help from another person to remove hair from areas you can’t reach.
    * When doing face and body hair removal at home, always start with the legs first as the skin on the face is comparatively very sensitive, so even if something goes wrong, the skin on legs is in a better position to handle the shock.
    * Home electrolysis hair removal procedure involves the usage of electricity so you have to be very careful while doing it.
    * Lastly, according to the home electrolysis hair removal reviews, only such products should be used for electrolysis which let the needle enter the hair follicles as other products in the market only remove the hair from top, and thus, the hair grows back in a month’s time.

These were a few things that should be kept in mind if you plan to do home electrolysis hair removal. The whole electrolysis procedure is quite wearisome and requires great skill. So if you are not sure whether you can do it at home, it is recommended that you get it done from a professional as it is better to be safe than sorry.